Who Killed Narendra Dabholkar?
Ram Puniyani
The brutal killing of Dr.
Narendra Dabholkar (20th August 2013) is a big jolt to the
social movement against blind faith and superstitions. During last few decades
the tendency for promotion of rational thought parallel to social change came
up as Popular Science movement. In Maharashtra it took shape in the form of a
movement,Andh Shraddha Nirmoolan Samiti (Committee for Eradication
of Blind faith), where it became a powerful campaign for popular awareness,
under the leadership of Dr. Narendra Dabholkar. There were those who were
uncomfortable due to Dr. Dabholkar’s work against blind faith and superstitions
and so he started getting threats to his life. Before his death he got several
threats, one of which said, they will give him the same fate as that of Gandhi.
After his killing Sanatan Prabhat, a Hindutva ideology paper, which constantly
spew poison against him, commented that ‘one gets what one deserves’.
The practitioners and
supporters of blind faith surely know that their art is a hoax, were sure that
their blind magic can’t kill the pioneer of a rationalist movement, so they did
hire assassins to kill Dabholkar. He was recipient of regular abuses from the
Hindutva organization, Hindu Janjagruti Samiti, on their web posted claims that
they have exposed anti Hindu conspiracy. In their publications they put across
abuses for him in gay abandon, one of which read, ‘Dabholkar’s group” should
permanently make their faces black for their misdeeds against Hindu religion.”
As such Dabholakar was
not against religion or faith. He strongly condemned the practices of blind
faith and superstitions, promoted and practiced by Babas and their ilk, who
proactively practiced and propagated retrograde practices. Some of these practices
like and Karni, Bhanamati are the
ones’ in which magical rites are performed in the name of supernatural power.
Some other practices are like offering of ash, talisman, charms etc. for the
purpose of exorcism and to drive out evil spirits or ghosts. These Godmen
and their types claim to be in possession of supernatural powers and advertise
this claim. Many a times they claim to be reincarnation of a particular Saint
or God, and this way they cheat the gullible and God-fearing simple folks. They
do perform so called black magic and spread fear in society. The act which
Dabholkar was campaigning for, which the Government adopted after his
assassination, makes such practices as an offence under this act. Just a
reminder that when this act was first brought up for discussion BJP-Shiv Sean
combine strongly opposed the same. He was critical of these irrational
practices, and for this he was labeled to be anti Hindu.
Apart from these
upholders of politics in the name of Hindu religion other conservatives were also
against the activities carried out by his organization. Faith is a complicated
phenomenon, true it is needed by a section of society. Faith in supernatural
power, faith in institution built around the names of prophets and individuals
operating in the name of some religion or God have to some extent provided an
emotional support to many in this cruel World with gross deprivations and
inequalities. Recognizing this weakness of humans many a religio-entrepreneurs
have systematically converted the faith into blind faith, a series of rituals,
acts, which are deliberately used to exploit the gullible.
The battle between these
two tendencies is old enough. Reason on one side and faith on the other. Reason
believes in questioning the existing beliefs and to keep going beyond the
prevalent knowledge. Faith, particularly the one constructed around the
‘institutions of religion’ begins with unquestioning subservience to the
prevalent norms, beliefs and rituals. Many individuals who go in to establish
their enterprises around these rituals, claim to be having divine powers.
Incidentally, most of the founders of religions, the prophets, had questioning
mind and they questioned the existing norms, values and practices. It is
precisely for this that many of them were tormented and punished by the powers
that ruled. The clergy, which built institutions around the names of these
prophets or supernatural powers, developed rituals in the names of these
prophets. The clergy and their practices were most static. Such tendency
promotes status quo not only of knowledge but also of social situations and
relations. Clergy promoted the social status quo and so demanded
unquestioning loyalty to their interpretation of religion and social norms as
dictated by them.
There are many incidents
in the history, where those who came up with rational thought were not only
killed but sometimes harassed to no end. We know the fate of Charvak in India,
who questioned the supernatural authorities of Vedas, he was condemned, and his
writings were burnt. In Europe, Copernicus and Galileo’s plight at the hand of
clergy is another chapter, while the scientists like Bruno, Servatus who argued
that diseases are due to Worldly reasons and not due to the wrath of God, were
burnt alive by the machinations of clergy. The idea here was very simple, if
people start understanding that the diseases are due to bacteria or other
etiological factors, the earlier practices of pleasing God through the clergy
for healing will come to a halt and clergy’s social power will decline.
In India as the
secularization process, the land reforms plus reduction of the hold of clergy
remained incomplete, the power of clergy in social field continued. Indian
Constitution talks of promotion of scientific temper and people like Nehru kept
promoting the inculcation of this scientific temper. Meanwhile the political
tendencies operating in the name of religion, kept opposing scientific,
rational thinking and kept uncritically glorifying the ancient past, ancient
practices cultivated by the clergy to exploit the gullible society, society in
the grip of uncertainty and deprivation.
India did witness the
rational movements to promote the scientific temper, but its impact in the
society remained marginal. With the rise of communal politics from the decade
of 1980, the blind faith took a massive leap with hoards of Babas and acharyas,
setting up their religious enterprises, enterprises which probably turned out
to be most profitable by any standard. One hopes that the business schools are
able to calculate the returns on the investments in such enterprises some day.
In addition many such Babas extracted the additional bonus of physical
pleasures of another kind, the way currently Asaram Bapu is being accused of
and so many of them have had their fill. In a crass manner many of the small
and high level players also incorporated magical tricks like producing ash and
gold from nowhere as their trademark of divine powers. It is these tricks which
were being exposed by Dabholkar’s groups.
The practitioners of
blind faith and these hoards of five-seven star babas, get their legitimacy and
appreciation from leaders of different hues. While those coming from RSS stable
are firmly with them at all the levels, even politicians from other tendencies
also personally support and follow these tricksters, Babas, Godmen and their
whole tribe. The communalists stand to support them ideologically the way
Sanatan Sanstha, while abusing Dabholkar also talked of his work being ‘anti
Hindu’! A similar trickster, Benny Hynn did public performances for faith
healing, and there is no dearth of the ‘Baba Bangali’ series indulging in such
It took Dabholkar’s
sacrifice for Mahrashtra Government to pass and bill against blind faith for
which Daholkar was struggling from decades. He had collected data that it is
women who are the biggest victims of those practicing black magic. He had been
talking of taking on the highly rewarding trade of gems and their magic powers,
in due course. Alas, that was not to be! Will other state Governments follow
suit and try to bring a control on the flourishing trade of blind faith, black
magic and its ilk? Will the progressive social movement take up the cause of
the major victims of these abominable practices and take the society forward to
the path of rational thought, rational culture and rational politics, away from
the trappings of the faith based blindness. While our ‘scientific
establishment’ has made giant strides the scientific thinking still lags behind
as science is being practiced mostly as an instrument and not as a way of life.
That’s how in many of science and technology institutions, on Dussera day,
computers are worshipped with flowers and by putting vermillion on the forehead
of the monitors! Can sacrifice of Dabholar wake up our policy makers to such a
serious lacuna in our teaching and practice of science? We seem to have liked
the benefits of technology and have been undermining the scientific way of
thought and practice, more so after the politics-nationalism has started
wearing the cloak of religion.
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